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About Us



Alibama General Co is a successful multi business services providing company with far-reaching proficiency in a number of customer-tailored services in the field of Procurement andLogisticsSupply,Relief Items Supply, Construction Materials Supply, Plumbing & Urban Water Supply, Real Estate Management, Cleaning Services, Solar Supply and Electrical Installation and Equipment Supply, Telecommunication Equipment Installation and Supply, Office Equipment, Printing and Stationery supply, Agricultural inputs supply, General Business Tradingand lots more

Incorporated in 2021 under the laws of The Republic of South Sudan, Alibama Company has undertaken many challenging projects which have made it maccumulate extensive experience and skill in procurement, costing/pricing,projectma agement,administrationan clientelerelationsallwhichh ve Made it an ideal partner in all its business scopes.

Today Alibama General Trade takes on the role of main contractors for small, medium and big size projects and always performs project management portfolio to coordinate specialists’ services for domestic and commercial assignments. Our main objective is to provide our clients with an “Iam assured” experience when selected to execute any project.
Our success is exceptionally linked to our professional, technical and mechanical capacity in executing our commitments andtoourteam of highly committed andskilled members

Ongoing Projects
90 +
Professional team
12 k
Satisfied customers
98 %
Success rates

Our Vision

To provide the best solutions for our clients in the fields of our expertise by providing quality tailor-made solutions that fit all our clientele dynamic needs

Core Values

Alibama , highly esteems team work and client satisfactionthusupholding;Integrity,Quality,Commitment,Safety, Professionalism, Customer Value, Flexibility/Adaptability and Social Responsibilty as guidelines in all its operations and business transactions

Core Values

Alibama General Trading to be the leader, most desired and competitive service provider in the areas of Procurement and Logistics Supply, Relief Items Supply,Construction MaterialsSupply,Plumbing&UrbanWaterSu ply,RealEstate Management, Cleaning Services, Electrical Installation and Equipments Supply, Telecommunication Equipments Installation and Supply, Office Equipments and Stationery Supply, Solar Supply and Installation, Agricultural input Supplies etc. by going an extra mile to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations by providing unique quality services that combine performance with value pricing, while establishing a successful relationship with our clients, business partners and suppliers.

Why choose us?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour.

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